Step 1
Enter your Age:
This tool does not provide medical diagnosis 😉
Step 2
Select your Symptom(s)
My abdomen hurts
My back hurts
My chest hurts
My ear hurts
My head hurts
My pelvis hurts
My tooth hurts
My rectum hurts
My skin hurts
My leg hurts
I have chronic pain
I feel chills
I feel fever
I feel paresthesia (numbness, tingling, electric tweaks)
I feel light-headed
I feel dizzy
I feel dizzy – about to black out
I feel dizzy – with the room spinning around me
I feel my mouth is dry
I feel nauseated
I feel like i have the flu
I feel like i have to vomit
I feel short of breath
I feel sleepy
I feel sweaty
I feel thirsty
I feel tired
I feel weak
I can't breathe normally
I can't hear normally
I can't move one side – arm and/or leg
I can't pass a bowel action normally
I can't pass urine normally
I can't remember normally
I can't see properly
I can't sleep normally
I can't smell things normally
I can't speak normally
I can't stop passing watery bowel actions
I can't stop scratching
I can't stop sweating
I can't swallow normally
I can't taste properly
I can't walk normally
I can't write normally
I have all the symptoms
This tool does not provide medical diagnosis 😉
Bummer, you probably have:
This tool does not provide medical diagnosis 😉